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Pet Sitting

Do you want to go on a trip but are hesitant about kenneling your dog? Here are a few at-home pet sitting options that I offer. I mostly only pet sit out of clients homes, but if you’d like your dog to go to someone’s house instead of myself staying at yours, I’m happy to refer you to some of my fellow dog trainers who board dogs at their houses when the humans go on vacation.

Drop In Visits

$25/ half hour visit

→ I’ll stop by your house, feed, walk, play, etc. with your pets at agreed upon times while you’re away. If the times you pick interfere with my work schedule I’m happy to refer you elsewhere!


$85/ night

→ Your pets will not have to be left alone as they’ll have company throughout the night. Besides a new person in the house with them, the schedule will stay as close to the same as it usually is for them as possible. We can talk about the day time options I have if I have to work and they need to be let out during the day.


Stay N' Train

$130/ night

→ This is recommended for anyone who wants someone to stay at the house through the night but would also like some structure to come along with it. You let me know what you need worked on and while I’m pet sitting we will continuously work on it. I will continue to try to keep their schedules as close to the same as possible with the training added in. Again with this package we can talk about different daytime options if your dog needs someone to let them out while I have work.

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